Young Sietar 3-day Seminar "Happiness across Cultures"

According to the Planet happiness index, Finland is one of the top three happiest countries in the world! What is it that makes the Finns so content with their lives? How is the concept of happiness understood in other parts of the world? And why is happiness a relevant topic for the interculturalists? The Congress theme, “Happiness across Cultures, Building planetary happiness” will call on participants to actively explore the meaning and expression of happiness in a variety of cultures across the globe.

The Young Sietar 3-day Seminar takes place in Tampere, Finland from 27th to 29th of July 2016. The seminar includes the famous immersion day. The training itself is conducted and co-created by a variety of experienced all-round intercultural trainers and professionals, certainly mixed with knowledge and experience about the science of happiness.

The trainers of the seminar (Marian van Bakel, Peter Ebenhoch, Veronique Kilian, Kelli McLoud-Schingen and Paul Westlake) can offer the following topics and adapt the topics according to the learning goals of the participants, such as:

  • The power of intercultural storytelling

  • Non-violent communication: the international language of needs

  • Intercultural connecting abroad

  • 10 keys to Happy Living

  • MBTI

  • How to use the Happiness at Work Survey

  • How to TED your talk with happiness!

  • Happynizers

The immersion day is designed by Johanna Metsä-Ketelä and Paul Westlake.

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