Christina Overturf Goodwin (Communications Coordinator)

Christina Overturf Goodwin

Native country: U.S.A.

Countries I have lived/worked inGermany, Australia, South Korea, USA, Australia, England

Languages I speak: English, German

Current location: Germany

Activities outside YS

  • Passionate about teaching and learning 
  • Student of history, political science, and civic leadership
  • Helping people improve their self-awareness and communication skills
  • Finding ways to bring people together 

My vision for YS: To broaden YS audience and ultimately its membership through an updated website and social media. I hope to help make the website and social platforms places to learn and interact in a fun and interesting way.

I was drawn to YS because of its 'youthfulness' and support for 'newbies' both young and old. The more I learn and practice in this field, the more I realise intercultural communication is incredibly important and vital across disciplines and social fields - and more people need to know about it. I hope to use my time on the board for deeper learning and continued practice of intercultural communication while bringing my English language and teaching skills along for the team. 

What I love about YS:  This group is diverse in age, interest/focus and location. I am constantly amazed and impressed with the contributions of its members and supporters. 

One of my amazing travel/intercultural experiences: Moving to Germany, for only a year back in 2009, forced me to look at my own cultural heritage and how it has shaped me more than any other previous travel experience. This has lead to one crazy experience after another and I love it all.

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