The Mentoring Team

The Mentoring Team works closely with the Membership & Mentoring Coordinator to coordinate the Young SIETAR Mentoring Program, launched in 2017. If you are interested in the Mentoring Program or in joining the Mentoring Team, please contact our Membership & Mentoring Coordinator at

Young SIETAR Mentoring Program


The Young SIETAR Mentoring Program was developed for YS members who seek interpersonal guidance and practical information about establishing themselves and developing their skills within the intercultural field. YS has several members and “friends” who are willing and able to fulfill this role but who also want to develop their own mentoring skills. This program brings these people together in a structured yet flexible way.

Program Overview

The YS Mentor program is a two-way street where Mentors not only guide Mentees but also learn from them and their interaction. Mentees are invited to share their ideas and exchange information that challenges "how things are done". The main objectives from this type of exchange are for participants to:

  • Share information about opportunities in the intercultural field

  • Focus on personal and professional development 
  • Provide affirmation and confirmation for Mentees and Mentors that they are heading in the right direction 
  • Have an opportunity for regular virtual contact (and potentially face-to-face contact if geographically possible) where shared goals can be clarified and attained

Time Commitment

The YS Mentoring Program relationship is for 1 year (12 months) with regular virtual check-ins at least once per month for 1-2 hours per month (12 per year), or more as requested and negotiated by both parties.  This time and rhythm commitment ensures that both parties are fully engaged and that the relationship sustains more than just one-way advice giving. Although the participation of both parties is voluntary, we do ask that you honor this minimum commitment of time. Because our organization is global, most mentoring relationships are virtual (e.g. phone, Skype, Google Hangouts, etc.). However, if a mentor and mentee are in the same geographical location, there may the opportunity to meet face-to-face.

Join the Program

If you are interested in participating in the Mentoring Program as a Mentor or Mentee, please contact our Membership & Mentoring Coordinator Valentine Guggenberger at

Please note that you must be a member of Young SIETAR to become a Mentee. Click here to join!

Mentors are not required to be members - they are regarded as "friends of Young SIETAR".

This is what our participants say:


"The most satisfying aspect for me about the mentoring program so far is the feeling that I am not in this alone. That I have someone with experience in the intercultural field to "bounce" off and who motivates me to continue this path despite the uncertainty that sometimes comes up."

"The support, guidance and encouragement that I have received from my mentor have proved very valuable. I feel more confident in terms of setting goals related to intercultural work, and to believe in myself that I can realize these goals."


"I have been able to have a better perspective of the needs, goals and objectives of the younger generation and how to bridge my knowledge to get the best of both eras. It has been a great personal and professional journey that has inspired both mentee and mentor to collaborate and make the mentoring a success."

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